Elite Sports Systems

Elite sport is the pinnacle of sports achievement. It fosters state and national pride and provides opportunities for talented athletes to fulfil their aspirations. It also provides links to business and commercial opportunities.

VTARA Sports can provide all the requirements for success at elite sport, including:

  • Effective competition structures at local state and national level
  • Effective coaching and training programs at junior and senior level
  • Physical and mental preparation for competition at state and national level
  • Effective services in the sports sciences and medicine
  • Athlete welfare

VTARA Sports expertise is based on many years of experience in the development of high performance and community sports programs, including in establishing competition structures at junior and senior level, selecting and operating training programs for representative athletes and teams, providing quality coaching programs and in supporting athletes with their education while competing and in transitioning to a life after sport.


To be useful, facilities need people. Facilities are only as good as the systems that operate through and in them.

Competition Structures

Successful sport requires effective competition structures, applying to both junior and senior levels. Local competition, established within towns, cities or organisations, provide a base for the involvement and continuous improvement of developing athletes, coaches and officials. These competitions encourage pride in local institution. Broader state competition based on representative teams from larger towns or organisations allows talented athletes to compete at higher levels, which improve the standard of representative State teams.

Coaching and Training

Good sports systems are athlete centered and coach driven. The athlete is at the centre of the sports system, but requires quality coaching in order to produce good sports performance. The requirements of coaching developing athletes and elite athletes is different. Good coaches understand and communicate effectively with their athletes, have strong technical knowledge and support their athletes in their aspirations.

High Performance

Athletes in State representative teams are at the upper end of the competitive sports continuum, aspiring for selection in National teams. Success in high performance sport requires coaching of the highest level of competence, the best underpinning competition, the best development of pre-elite athletes and the close integration of all the necessary sports science support coordinated by the coaches around the athletes.

Athlete Servicing

At the highest level, athletes need constant support through the provision of sports science disciplines such as medicine, physiotherapy, nutrition, and strength and conditioning. These should be provided as an integrated package according to the individual needs of athlete as determined by coaches and scientists working closely together. Because of the demands of high performance sport, athletes also need a great deal of personal support, in terms of assistance with education and vocational training and personal advice.